May 12, 2013 13:17
Drawing on his testimony on the Hill, WPost columnist Ruth Marcus quoted USAF chief of staff on his troops' sexual criminality: “'It’s a big problem for our nation. It may be as big or bigger elsewhere. ... Roughly 20 percent of the young women who come into the Department of Defense and the Air Force report that they were sexually assaulted in some way before they came into the military. So they come in from a society where this occurs. Some of it is the hook-up mentality of junior high, even, and high school students now. ... The same demographic group moves into the military.
" 'We have got to change the culture once they arrive. The way they behave, the way they treat each other cannot be outside the bounds of what we consider inclusive and respectful'.
"The hook-up mentality? Talk about not getting it. General, the hook-up culture is lamentable but consensual. Sexual assault is, by definition, not consensual
"So please explain, exactly, how one leads to the other. Indeed, please explain, exactly, how pinning the increase in sexual assaults on a willingness to engage in casual sex is not classic blame-the-slutty-victim thinking, dressed up in 21st-century lingo. She hooked up, so she asked for it? She was already a victim when she enlisted?"