Eyes Wide_Shut, a photo by
La Tee Da Photography on Flickr.
The SIX photos in this set by the amazing Melissa are "for sale at the Raw Canvas Artist Gallery 507 Main St. Grand Junction CO 81501". I hope any of you generous readers who vacation in Colorado this summer will drop in and check them out in the format, size and immediacy that God* intended.
* I considered making that "Goddess," to be politically correct, but the holier-than-Thou context cries out for the original word. I'm reminded of a funny saying in German (the first place I lived overseas was Munich, and I once upon a time spoke the language pretty decently), "wie Gott in Frankreich!" Literally, "like God [would do if He lived] in France" -- which is the equivalent of today's joke, "the way God would do [something specific] if He could afford it."