Top 10 Reasons Why You're Half-Brown

Dec 06, 2005 16:15

So tired I'm going to fall over. Even though my alarm didn't go off AGAIN and I was late for work like an hour. Now it's cutting into animation time... sleep is so incovenient!

10. Because, apparently, most brown people come to America and marry whiteys and mutts to create us, the hyper!mutts.
9. You spill your water at lunch and everyone looks at you weird as you kneel on the floor to clean it up.
8. You don't wash your hands and actually eat right after cleaning it up.
7. It becomes fun to call them the "whiteys" or "gringos."
6. You know where the word "gringo" came from.
5. You enroll in Spanish class thinking you'll get an easy A... then you struggle not to fail with a D+.
4. You automatically root for the brown guy in anything, be it a political candidate, football player, etc.
3. You mock the supposed "hispanic" people playing roles in films/tv and think that you look at least ten times browner than they do!
2. When real brown people speak brown language to you, you blink and offer the best phrase you know in the language: "si!"
1. You not only give a crap, you give two craps about border control and keeping the illegals out!

animation, brownness, work

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