A new interview of Jared was just released on Digital Spy, probably something he did when he was in London a month ago or so.
GOD HE IS SO GORGEOUS YOU GUYS. IT'S LIKE. I CAN'T EVEN. NNNGH. Hair! And hat! And hand gestures! And LA accent! *muffled squee*
Original link
I made my own screencaps, fixed the aspect ratio because it annoyed me, and uploaded them in a ZIP for anyone to grab if they're interested.
113 Jared Screencaps ZIP ALSO: There's some weird Supernatural
contest over on BuddyTV right now. The first prize is an autographed script of In My Time of Dying signed by Jared and Jensen, with second and third prizes being issues of Origins, and copies of The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons, and Ghouls I joined there as DeviDarkWolf, and this is how it works: you join, fill out your profile, which includes uploading an icon, rating celebs/shows, etc. Then you go and take their quiz and earn as many points as possible. This is done in teams so the more people there are, the better the chances of winning.
Don't worry if you never watch that much TV. On the top right hand side of the quiz page, you can select the show you want trivia for. I'll friend anyone who asks to be friended. So... WHO WANTS TO MAKE A TEAM?