Supernatural 03x02: The Kids Are Alright

Oct 11, 2007 22:30

I didn't write the episode reaction like I said I would last week, for several reasons. First off, that iTunes crap. Secondly, wow, what a reaction. The internet was like, flipping a shit.

Anyhoos, NEW EPISODE TONIGHT. Best end to my week EVERY TIME.

It has to be said, because I mention it wherever I can. Our new title card? IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. I pissed myself last week, and it's STILL awesome this week. The silver, and the sound effects, and the staticy thing, and asdjhakld, love it!

Wow, that cold open was nuts. HI, THE CENSORS WERE ASLEEP, Y'ALL. And I'm not just talking about that sweet ass violence - which was cut well, by the way. Graphic as all hell, and disturbing, even for someone like me. Like, all of it. Since when was child violence okay on primetime network TV?! And moreover, holy shit, killing your own child?! That was insane, and in a very, very good way. One of the things I really gravitate towards in film, and TV in particular is the idea of shock value. I love being shocked, disturbed, and surprised, and damn, does our show deliver. With plot twists, truly grotesque monsters and deaths, and character development, I mean, c'mon, what doesn't this show have?!

OH, DEAN. Look, it's Ben mini!Dean! CHILD, YOU ARE PRECIOUS, LIKE IN YOUR PHOTOS. keepaofthecheez said it right when she said that mini!Dean is no Michael from Something Wicked, but still. I flipped OUT when I thought he might be Dean's kid. They musn't reproduce. Neither of 'em. I mean, yeah, Dean's got mini!Deans all spread throughout the US of A, but he musn't ever know them.

Mother: Awwwww, I wanted him to be Dean's!
Mother: It'd be cute!
Me: NO IT'D BE AWFUL. *flails anyway*

My cold little heart broke for Dean a little when he got 'disappointed.' Oh, Dean. You only say that cuz you know he's not yours. And if he was, you'd be all, FLAILOMGWHAT. And then run to Sam.

I love Dean teaching mini!Dean how to not be a bitch! *squee* You know Dean totally loved to beat the bullies up when they pushed Sam around.

Overall, I was very, very pleased with the look of the episode. It felt dark, and there were some great locations despite the fact that it was mostly set in a gated community-like neighborhood. The lake scene was a fantastic location that was lit to serve its purpose. But I had some problems. Watching this show when I'm fresh from my storyboarding class is so not fun. There were severally really jarring screen direction issues, firstly in that scene I just mentioned, and during the fight sequence with the changeling. Essentially, what you want to do in film is cut so that characters always face a certain direction, even when you cut in between single shots of them. And it felt like they were facing right then left, then right, and it confused me a little bit, but I digress!

UM, HI, DID I MENTION SEXASS PADALECKI? Jesus fucking CHRIST, people! How did he like, grow exponentially hotter this season? He comes back into season three looking like walking sex. Holy shit. I approve enormously of his hair, which seems straighter, but still with that cowlick/flip I love to draw. DID I ALSO MENTION HOW YELLING!SAM IS MY FAVOURITE? Like, ever? Possibly more than naked!Sam? WELL HE IS AND HE YELLED TONIGHT AND MY LIFE IS COMPLETE. Oh my God, the evil! is poking through, and you can tell how much more aggressive he's getting, and GUH. *gooshy flail* And, and - *takes deep breath* - THE MONTAGE OF PHONECALLING AND RESEARCH WAS HOTNESS. The editing was sex within the first cut or two, overlapping the dialogue, but he was so sexy and intent and disturbed at what he found, and asjdhkashkdjas.

RUBY. HI. YOU'RE A DEMON, I LIKE YOU. Though Katie isn't doing much for me by way of her acting, I am a dirty, totally biased whore and will admit that her turning out to be possessed was like, the hottest thing ever. And it totally makes me like her, and watch me hate Bela and love Ruby, now. Just watch. BUT ACCENT, YOU GUYS.

Along those lines, I am so excited for the direction the show is taking. So many things made you wonder about Mama Winchester, but this is just. UGH. BOY KING, Y'ALL. askljdhklas Mythology! It's getting so much better every SEASON. Ugh, I love Sam. Jesus Christ. Conflict, aggressiveness, GO.

Like, no Wincest. Am unimpressed. Waiting impatiently for next week.

Did anyone else get all, "SHUT UP, DEAN," when he turned Lisa down? She was great, though, not the average mother type they've had on the show, and definitely not the damsel-in-distress type the boys usually go for. She was like, "HEY, YOU, BETWEEN MY THIGHS, NOW," and he's all, "I GOTTA BOUNCE, BYE." I realize he doesn't want to get close to anyone since he's got his one year to live, but seriously. Which brings me to my next thing.

That is what happened. But this is what should have happened:

Yep, that's all! Discuss, people.

art, episode reaction, ship: wincest is best, supernatural: season three, fandom: supernatural

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