Because I never did, I will now post the pictures of my new car. THAT I LOVE TO BITS, OMG. ♥♥♥
Yes, I did get an XTerra. Brand new, 2006, not really considered "fully loaded," but it's awesome. BUT IS IT YELLOW?
Yes it goddamn is!
Figured you guys'd want to see my kickass plate holder, as well. >:P Got it made.
And now, for my family complaint of the week. Okay, so my mom annoys the hell out of me to clean my room. My books are spilling out onto the floor and whatever. So I tell her to buy me a DVD case, because that is what's taking up the room that should be used for books. So, of course, to make shit retardedly difficult, SHE REFUSES TO BUY ME A DVD CASE. Um, what the fuck. Honestly.