Nov 27, 2012 16:00
writing at my parent's house again. that's the one thing i DETEST about Bristol. You have to plan everything hours in advance in terms of travel because of the traffic that will soon enmesh the city. Here's why.
bristol has no public transport system. it has one bus provider and given the lack of competition that provider charges what it likes for fares. It costs me £4 to get a return ticket to the centre from where I live, and £7 from where my parents live, roughly 9 miles outside the centre. that is above London prices. Also there are few depots outside the centre, so all buses have to come into, then out of the city if you want to cross the outskirts. There are virtually no major routes linking the boroughs of the city.
As a result of the public transport screw up, EVERYONE uses their cars. Ok. but this means that the rushhour will last (on a clear, rain-free day) from 7am-9.45am and from 2.45pm-7pm. The latter one is so long because the schools kick out at 3.30, but many parents park outside the gates of schools at 3pm, so the traffic swells anything up to half an hour prior to parking time. then the offices and factories kick out at 5pm and WHAM. Gridlock.
That's on a good day. If the weather's bad then forget about it. It's likely the traffic won't ease from sunrise to sunset. which this time of year will be about 8 hours. Eight hours of daylight. I feel like I'm living in Finland.
So to get to see the parents I have to leave at 1pm, stop for gas and a mooch around Tesco (didn't buy anything but like Frank Darabont supermarkets help me figure out ideas in my brain. And I saw Dr. Who season 6 for £25. Maybe when it drops in price. And I can't believe they're flogging the first half of the current season as a dvd. It's 5 episodes. Doesn't anyone record tv anymore? VCR? Hard-drive? Who is gonna spend £18 for half a season????
Don't answer that question, cos I'm sure somebody will.
That aside I'm sleeping tons at the moment.
Slept for like 11 hours last night. Only woken by the grinding of the street-cleaner. Could still use a bit more though..;-)
dr. who,
trains that don't work and cost a fortun