Nov 22, 2012 17:03
woke up on wednesday morning in agony. and after a hurried phone call to work and a plod into the city to find my beloved chiropractor my original fears were confirmed. Sprained right cervical junction.
In laymen's terms this is a re-occurrence of the injury i had some years ago. My right shoulder blade/scapula and the accompanying muscle bundles covering the joint get over-worked and lock down as a result. this makes turning my head to that side virtually impossible, painful even doing the simplest of movements and annoying;y sore when trying to sleep. which i haven't been doing a lot of the past night and today. Unless I'm medicated. more on that in a moment.
So the chiropractor made me scream as he worked on both my shoulder and my left glut (buttock, TMI?) trying to fix the joint mis-alignment and ease out the muscle banks. I feel better but my right arm is still weak, i'm doing what i can with my left and accordingly am out of work for the remainder of the week. currently typing this i've got a hot-pack wedged under the collar of my sci-fi waistcoat, draped across my right clavicle.
i tell you guys this whole "getting older" thing, it really sucks.
i think this has happened to me for a number of reasons. Mechanical; physical trauma at some point in my career has weakened that joint complex causing the muscles to sporadically lock down in order to protect it. Environmental; my job exasperates the injury, how i do a very manual-orientated job with a lot of lifting/pulling/stacking combined with a lot of static standing/retracting/holding when i'm scrubbed in. this means at times my spine will lock in one position and i have to stretch it out in order to loosen it. the clicks in my lumbar region echo round the theatre. Genetic; some part of my body is programmed at a genetic level to be weak in my right shoulder around my current age. Just like some people become diabetic or lactose-intolerant, my shoulder has a deficiency. Finally, Lifestyle; shifting muscle mass due to HRT have caused certain joints to lose their natural assigned percentage of muscle hard-wired into their cells. What used to be hulking ball-peon shoulders are now more graceful (yay!) but also they lose the ability to withstand impact and natural clumsiness of their owner.
I'm like Bella off Twilight only moodier, and y'know, not stalked by a broody vampire.
The only way i could sleep last night was with a heat pack and half a tab of codeine. Which was great, until my phone beeped at midnight and left me stumbling round my apartment in a drug-educed fug trying to figure out where the beeping was coming from and where the hell was i. codeine affects me in the worst way. not least of all through my guts. okay, that was TMI...
Anyway, while i try and recover from this latest injury i am pleased that I do have next week off, my last full annual leave week before the holidays. Lots of things to do, shoulder and weather depending. But i have just been paid so this is good. :)
broken toy,
nhs blues,