Oct 06, 2012 17:24
i'm still shattered from yesterday.
we had to do a robot and a casino case. the robot i had to run for with staff who weren't robot proficient. so i had to do 75% of the leg work.
Then after much whoohah i had to scrub for the casino case (so called on account of the madcap counting, lots of noise, action, adrenaline, etc..). with the same inexperienced crew who i really had to press at one point.
"I need BOTH of you in here for this!"
which could easily be re-edited to "Can you pay attention to this case! You embarrass me!"
Irony was the surgeon operating was Jimmy who basically told the pair of runners the truth in a joking way at the end when i asked them to fetch something and they complained the following:
"Awww c'mon, you've been sat down the past 4 hours. have a bit of a chat, bit of a surf. is she [Me] really asking for the moon?"
guy had a big grin on his face but i got the sense he was less than thrilled at their attitude.
I know how he felt.
don't f**k with me attitude,
work ethic,
blood by the buckload!