Time to climb the walls before they shoot us

Jun 16, 2012 16:52

It is a weird time at the moment.
Ignoring the work, sleep, repeat feel to my life, it is a time of year that I can't easily get a handle on. And let's face it; the shitty UK weather isn't helping. It's raining, like stair-rod raining in June!!! Aberystwyth almost got washed into the North Sea last weekend, I see building half a dozen brand stores and two housing developments on (or under) the water table wasn't the best thing the council could've green-lit, in B&Q it wasn't a problem (bit of DIY and the store'll be right as rain) but Curry's? (UK electrical chain) Well, let's hope their stores were above three feet. They weren't? oooh....

Stress is taking its toll on me a bit at the moment. And the main culprit is the deal in work with our theatres closed. Having to move a robot every day is starting to gnaw on us all. And not having the same theatre for any crew for consecutive days is slightly taxing because you're not sure where anything is.

In the end I had a bit of a cry yesterday at 10am, but managed to recover thanks to hot sweet tea (British-ness requires tea, one reason why i find living in the USA unpalatable) and a few words with a friend. Then I got on the phone to Jonah and decamped to his house on the other side of the city for vegetarian Jambalaya, Underworld 4 and Hellraiser 2. Nothing like good food and cert 18 sequels to make you feel better.

I hear that Clive Barker's recutting Nightbreed? For DVD!!! With possibly more footage!!! YIPPEE!!!


I guess also the other thing is currently in the UK, England specifically, it's a time of high excitement. First Queen (no 'The..' required, I've stood next to her, we're BFF's!) celebrated her 60 years of ruling over us by having a 4 day national holiday and watching lots of boats row up her Thames during a downpour. Despite it being a television disaster, almost as bad as Janet Jackson's "Wardrobe Malfunction" (only with slightly less tit-action), it was a nice 4 days save Prince Philip's bladder infection.
However it did give rise to hordes of Union Jack bunting, banners, flags, England flags and general "Rah-rah"-ness.
I'm not a Rah-Rah person. The closest I got was back when Pitt won Superbowl 43, and then all i did was quietly jump up and down as they scored the winning TD with 40 seconds to go.

Now we have the European Cup, set in Poland & Ukraine, two of the most racist and anti-semitic countries in the East England got all happy for beating Sweden (soccer powerhouse, the Swedes are!) in their second divisional game. ,
wow. The way the papers are harking on about it is just bizarre. It's like we now expect that team, who play our national game to lose before they win. What? That's British mentality? That's Dunkirk spirit? "..We're fucked Carstairs, maybe we can stretch things to a draw.."
What? Okay...

Which leads us to the Olympics. Oh. Is it 2012 already? Great.
The worst thing is that the builders have managed to bring the whole construction of the event in on a reasonable deadline. So the tabloids can't hark on at how crap they are.
And now EVERY advert on TV for a UK product has jumped on the Olympic bandwagon. Utilities, clothes, shampoo, breakfast cereal, etc... I'm waiting for panty-liners to get their 15 minutes of fame. It could go something like "Always towels.. .makes high-hurdling easier!"
I am SERIOUSLY hoping that the UK team go into these games with a little more chutzpah than the England football team. Britain did fantastic in Beijing in '08, and while I know such a performance in 2012 is unlikely I'm hoping we come across with more spirit than the "I'm really happy to be here.." attitude.
The other issue is that the Olympics is here.
Or more specifically in London.
This makes London a virtual NoGo for the best part of 6-8 weeks what with the Olympics, Paralympics, dignitaries, politians and all the other rigmarole that comes with hosting such an event in a very crowded capital city. I hear that the locals are already a little surprised that they have so few summer bookings for the holiday season. Really? Isn't it obvious that the regular tourists are going to stay away in droves. I'm just praying I don't have to go see CX during that time. That will NOT be fun...

So I am focusing instead on my birthday, a few nights out with friends and my trip to NYC in September. It's a lousy way to view the summer in the UK I know. But I'm in healthcare, we rarely get extended holidays. And the British weather resorting to its usually wet n' windy self makes the whole thing a bit of a blah *deep sigh*.
So I'll keep writing, keep messing around with photos and just keep going.
Life; a very, very weird beast to be sure.

working, weather, horror movie, robots breaking down, grindhouse, nhs blues, stress, olympics

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