Guy Fawkes wasn't a bad man if you observe it from the long historical perspective

Nov 08, 2010 17:30

I had such a nice time yesterday evening. I got the cheesecake finished - and in my opinion i think i undercooked the coulis - and both me and ellie G schlepped over to kB's at 6-ish,
and... wow!
kB's garden is quite big, and cos it backs onto the local railroad line she also has a piece of the embankment which is separated from the rest of her garden by a small stream. which has a bridge over it. given the hour all this was pitch black except for the tea lights and candles everywhere and the roaring bonfire which was burning happily in the back-bit of garden.
The heat coming off this thing was intense but everyone was friendly.

We had sparklers which we all waved around like children, writing our names and making really fast circles and talking about zombies and rivers of blackness (which is what the stream was considering the lighting situation).

then the fireworks began.

Ok, forgoing the 'insert in soft ground rule' and the 'stand at least 25 feet away' rule the 5 of us let rip with abandon.
skybursts, rockets, screamers, red, gold, green everything shot into the sky over the next 15 minutes. and it was all preceded by anything from 1 to 4 of us carefully crouching over these charge-boxes of fireworks and then running sharpish to get clear before they ignited.
everyone's all giggly on wine at this point too. it's a miracle no one ended up in the ER.

Some key points was when one box thought firing its rockets parallel to the ground was a good idea and we all watched as the fireworks tried to demolish the neighbours fence at point blank range.
well what could we do? we could hardly go and try and re-align the fireworks as they were going off could

the finale came when Clay, kB's husband set of the final box of the evening full 100% of screamers. it sounded like we'd be transported to the Eastern Front with wave after wave of katayushas lifting off. Cool! Afterwards the place stank of cordite, but the good news was that the fire had burned down enough so we could all get near it and as the pizza guy arrived with the food we tucked into pizza and garlic bread.
we also remembered that you can burn anything on bonfires so we burnt the empty pizza boxes and Clay found some more furniture that smoked for a while before going up like something out of Dante's inferno.

Then we retired to the house for coffee & baileys and cheesecake. Which was lovely and we just sat talked, watched Blackadder on GOLD and finally me and Ellie G. wandered back to the apartment around half ten-ish.

But just having the chance to run around like a kid again, and act like an 8 year old with a sparkler went a long way to repairing the damage in my head (see previous post).
I hope this is the start of the upward curve back to emotional wellness.
I hope.

fire, alcohol, friendship, silliness, food, childhood

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