May 23, 2010 15:07
the simple reasoning behind a lack of UK entries currently is.. put simply, down to the weather.
UK is currently enduring a heatwave of temperatures of 25+. Which, for the UK over the past 2 years is RARE.
As a result anyone with a bit of scrappy garden is worshiping the sun.
As am I, when I'm not here doing my portfolio.
Although this morning I was in the gym by 9am. Which, considering it was air-conditioned was a good place to be but you could still sense the external heat seeping through the breeze-block walls. And I worked my legs until I thought they were going to fall off. I hate having heavy legs in work and I've had them a lot over the past few months.
I worked back to back
last week.
Doing the vascular lists with DM, PL and the BBC. The first 2 of those are abbreviations for surgeons, the last is actually the abbreviation for the British Broadcasting Company who came to film PL as he was plugging in a kidney.
I did the same case with both surgeons, which was nice as I got to see how different they are despite their surgery.
DM only corrected me on 1 occasion for handing him things the wrong way twice and PL was pretty nice throughout.
Friday was fun though as the heatwave hit and it was 25 degrees in theatre and we were on the phone 4 times trying to get them to turn down the A/C. As they said the external street temperature is 27, they're pumping the stuff in at 22, they're doing their best!!
Note to self: never try and argue with irate estates management.. real bad idea..
And I saw the finale of Ashes to Ashes.
Didn't think the ending would be as it was. But I thought it was really well done.
And now I am currently languid (lovely word, thanks kath!) in this heat and trying to scrape my noodles together to write something interesting about Domain 4 of this portfolio.
oh sod it, i'm going to the garden
and P.S.. for anyone in London right now I can only imagine how tough it is at night to sleep. Betting temp doesn't drop below 20 degrees. Ouch! It's 15 here at night-time. That's rough when you have to get shut-eye.
and my heart goes out to the night workers.
walking in the sun