Mar 24, 2010 16:48
I've misplaced V for Vendetta, and I've hurt my shoulder too.
Therefore currently I have a mix of the painful and the annoying.
Shoulder-wise I think I've just slept on it awkwardly and as a result the muscle's feeling a little put upon. I also got into college to day like TWO HOURS early due to the fact that there was fuck-all traffic going down to Eastville and I'm currently programmed my body on factory time as I have to go the other way across the city through the factory district.
The college didn't even open its doors till 8am. I'm sitting there going "Hmmmmmmm" for the best part of 30 minutes.
But it gave me a chance to read some more of 'Grimspace', which was a New York paperback I picked up Monday when i was looking for cheap Asimov. It's basically Firefly with balls. The title is the name of the lightspeed used when starships warp jump. And they do that by employing special navigators known as 'Jumpers' due to the fact they have a J-Gene which enables them to do this.
Aside from that it's very similar to Firefly. Evil empire with agenda called The Corp (Alliance) and a eclectic crew with a med-man, female engineer and a savant for a comm officer. And the pilot's a Psi (psychic).
And the language. Our protagonist can think 'fuck' but everyone says 'frack'. Why? I dunno. Probably some weird publishing rule.
Anyways check out the title on amazon, it's probably there (EVERYTHING'S on Amazon) cos it's a nice read.