something to ease you out real fine, you feel me?

Feb 02, 2010 11:23

I think I was severely sleep deprived over the weekend. The mental stress combined with the physical nature of the new placement got on top of me a bit.
I was much better on Sunday, returning to Costa to wax political about things with a friend really brings out my better side.
I made a honey cake too.
The usual big New Year affair that tends to make appearances in our kitchen all year round.

Speaking of the food it's the SuperBowl on Sunday and in honour of New Orleans popping their proverbial cherry by getting to the Big Game the family's decided to give the game food a southern flavour.

I was into southern food in a big way back in the early zeros, and one of my best friends gave me a cook book on the subject for my birthday back in July.
So I know rugelach isn't a traditional (nod to Tevye on that one) for SuperBowl Sunday but let's face it in terms of annual sporting events it is almost a High Holy Day in its own right. So ;-P

Add in a bit of bread n butter pudding and jambalaya courtesy of Jamie Oliver and I think we have food that could be taken very, very, very well at 3am.
Now all I need is a bigger food processor. The current one almost died when I tried to process the rugelach dough.

Today is my day off, I'm back on the clock for the next 3 days, 8-6.30pm for 2 days then 8-4 on friday.
It's nice in a way cos I have to drive to Taunton on Saturday.
Union meeting for the regional LGBT reps, and I take my current situation as a rep seriously.
And it's nice to network with people who are not as judgmental as some I work with.

And now I am going to write, go and get lazered at 2pm, place bets, post mail and maybe crash with some Wire.
It's cold and I am saving money and resting today.
and food.
I, must, eat.
Which is where I'm going now.
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