Jan 05, 2010 22:29
yes, i managed to squeeze that into a sentence today.
long story still kinda long, one of our surgeons has initials of OB and he's the first person in the trust to have them, ergo = OB1.
his nickname is Kenobi, he's a Registrar for the Ortho.
And a damn nice chap too.
and I made everyone laugh when i uttered that line.
damn I'm good!!!!
Ortho in the morning with OB1 and Consultant JJW. we did these 2 cases in the smallest theatre in the shop. after piling a patient, anesthetic gear, half a dozen surgeons and support staff, a radiographer, monitor and C-Arm and 2 trolleys of equip into this room it had cables and hoses draped like crazy silly-string all over the place. Very health-hazard. Very sub-mariner.
Very cool.
And we did a good scrub, Or I did. I try to be my best after all.
Which is a miracle as I was running back and forth along a corridor in -3 degrees hauling equip for the cases from MAIN to the DCU.
I think Josh Whedon has a lot to answer for, cos I am starting to talk in some weird off-shoot hybrid of Whedon-esque with its ties wedged firmly in NHS pseudonym and abbreviation.
either that or I just start quoting adverts.
"sorry sir, i've been practicing my poker skills on Lee, because I have seen kings fall to deuces and rags turn into riches. Cos i play, here, at full tilt poker.com".
That sentence stopped a theatre dead this afternoon. But I can't help it, this is just when my mouth goes into full-flow mode.
I blame the HRT for my personality. And the physical pain I've endured over the past 5 years.
They used to electrify the genitals of POW's. I did it voluntarily and paid zillions for the privilege.
I think I must have scared the people who ran that coffeeshop just off Harley Street rigid. Cos the amount of times I used to turn up at 9.45am on a Saturday after having a "Treatment" with the skin on my face and chest burnt red from the lazer, and then very calmly read and write over latte for the next 30 minutes must have been unnerving.
But this was London, they've probably seen it all already.
But I think this is another reason some people in my work pronoun slip. Cos I'm all arms and legs and I'm dynamic and fluidic when i move.
Walk quickly, turn sideways to avoid people, pivot on ball of right foot, slink hips, bend knees, avoid touching any sterile drapes and voila! I'm where I want to be in a crowded op theatre.
It's not a recent thing, I used to work in the University kitchens back in 2002-3 and I was the same moving round the heavy ovens at speed.
I have good posture and body control.
I blame childhood gymnastics, all those front flips and somersault pikes into the foam pits for hours and hours on end.
I can still crab too, even though my spine really doesn't like it anymore. shame! :-(
Anyways I better go to bed now, cos I'm knackered after the Ortho/General split today.
Tomorrow off - wayhay!!!
feeling good about being me,