we're losing a lot of heat from number 4

Jun 11, 2009 18:23

I like intelligentsia when it comes to these "tell us about yourself" quizzes. Granted how the majority reading this know a lot about me or will know stuff about me that i'm due to put down here but hey, what the hell.

Meme ganked from quietladybirman (i've forgot how to tag)

1. Your Middle Name:
Is my mom's name. Sticking with the tradition of our family at how the mother's name is always the daughter's middle name I have a bit of my mom in my name. I like it, it keeps me grounded unlike my first name which is sun-kissed and exotic (like a Malibu bottle) and could have roots in any name vein from Hebrew to German.

2. Age:
Still 29. Just! I don't have to board carousel just yet (see Logan's Run) and I'm not that worried about hitting the big 3-0 as i was a couple of years ago.

3. Single or Taken:
Riding solo at the moment. weird but enjoyable.

4. Favourite Movie:
Ever? My favorite movie of the last 12 months is Defiance. Saw it in the cinema and hated it (although that could be cos I was post-op at the time and in agony) but I bought it top-dollar price when it was released on dvd and I loved it. Daniel Craig is surprising good (accent aside) and in comparison to Question of Sport (aka Quantum of Solace) he does try to act rather than just "be".
My favourite movie ever is still The Jericho Mile. which i wouldn't be surprised if no one has heard of/or seen this film. But it still speaks to me. and Peter Strauss buffed and stripped to the waist is still a sight to see.

5. Favourite Song or Album:
Song or Album? Nope, too many to choose from and depending on how i feel would depend on what i listen to.

6. Favourite Band/Artist:
ahhh.. i don't know. Foo Fighters, No Doubt and Girls Aloud. And Jeff Buckley (but he dead).

7. Dirty or Clean:
Seeing as I work in an operating theatre that is currently on the lookout for bits of dirt you can't actually see I would say 'clean'. Although sometimes i do like getting really fucking filthy. Motor oil turns me on.

8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:
Pierced ears, one each side and tattoo wise i have 5 and counting. Lower spine, right hip, and both upper arms. It gives me a 'street' look in the summertime but considering I'm about as street as the Women's Institute it really is a sham.

9. Do we know each other outside of LJ?
Used too, Miss Birman and I schlepped through nursing college together. 3 years for our sins, enduring broiling summers, icy winters, late shifts, early starts, night work and large amounts of poo. It was fun. well kinda, not really struck on the poo part.

10. What's your philosophy on life?
Philosophy of life? err.. have an opinion and vote on it. otherwise the fascists get in. and that ain't good for anyone. other than that if you aren't hurting anyone else or yourself then why not have a go at everything? i mean what have you got to lose apart from respect and that's overrated.

11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty?
In work during a 10 hour shift it's definitely half empty. we slog about in convict blues never working fast enough and feeling like we've been sentenced to a gulag. Outside of hell I'm quite jovial. and I do possess a 'whatever' mood about those who stress over little stupid, celebrity-esque things.

12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
Yes, but i need a context. if it involves terrorism or genocide i may keep it a secret *grin*. ok, i'd talk. personal stuff? well if affected me or mine then no but otherwise tell me, i'll probably forget anyway.

13. What is your favourite memory of us?
The computer suite on campus. typing chatting and generally killing time between lectures. either that or those massive lectures that turned into battle royals between factions of the left, right, African, European, etc. we gave Africa AIDS, who knew?

14. What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure? I have several: humbugs, ben n jerry's, marquis magazine, bidi cigarettes, expensive coffee syrup. i'm a hedonist in my own way.

15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
i have a lot. ok, here's one. I walk OVER benches. literally, right OVER the top of them. if a park bench is in my way either lengthways or widthways I won't walk around it i will walk OVER it (unless it's occupied). I don't know why i guess it's a part of my brain which says: "This bench is in our way but we will overcome and rise above this challenge and be victorious". Oh, to be in my head.

16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarkey) - what are they?
A loft apartment in Tribeca in New York, mortgage paid, the lot.
A bottle green Dodge Viper V8 supercharged.
Hair like Angelina Jolie. I'm vain, i know.

17. Can we get together and make a cake?
Sure, rail it on down to Brissol and we've go on a bake-fest. I can bake pretty much anything these days and I currently have half a New York cheesecake chilling in the fridge. Orange cake is fabulous especially with icing, fruit cake is a family recipe that has been passed down, again, for generations.

18. Which country is your spiritual home?
Wales, purely cos of the four and a half years I spent there as an undergrad at Aberystwyth University. Canada too cos I like certain aspects of it.

19. What is your big weakness?
Introspective thought and wondering if my boobs are too small. if i'm alone I do tend to get a bit moody so i have to keep busy or i lapse off into 'what-if' mode.

20. Do you think I'm a good person?
The person I gakked this off seemed good when i knew her. unless she's become a cenobite in human form i doubt she's changed my opinion much since.

21. What was your best/favourite subject at school?
English literature. easily. unfortunately I had to do Shakespeare and bronte fiction while in school and that was horrid. then i went to university, read about the American authors and loved it. I'm currently devouring all the Chaim Potok i can find.

22. Describe your accent:
None. Although my unusual voice combined with my Nordic looks (apparently) has had people asking my country of origin to be everywhere from South Africa to Holland. Finland? Germany? nope. just plain old UK.

23. If you could change anything about me, would you?
Put you on an ODP course bloody quick.

24. What do you wear to sleep?
Pyjamas, unless it's unbearably hot like it was a few weeks ago here and then it's just knickers. I do have a beige nightgown that i took to hospital with me last year which does suit me, but makes me look like a World War 2 displaced person.
but i carry that look off so it doesn't bother me.

25. Trousers or skirts?
Trousers about 80% of the time, and in work its pyjamas again. I think with my long back i look better in trousers than skirts, and if i do wear skirts they have to be very short or very long, or very elaborate. I have all 3 kinds in my wardrobe and i look fabby in them. Skirts more so in summer cos of the heat. I'm not a tights girl.

26. Cigarettes or alcohol?
Tie. Alcohol in coffee is my passion. Baileys or vodka or creme de menthe (it's growing on me is the green stuff) but i smoke bidi's whenever i can get them and i have random packs of camel and marlboro lying around.

27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!):
Anything to entertain you and make you laugh. Find a deserted car-park and do doughnuts till the police arrive, climb up to the top of the UCL building on Tottenham Court Road and throw things from the top of it. Skydive.

28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you?
Mission Accomplished

life, etc, wonder, being thoughtful

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