your papers are in order Ma'am.

Feb 24, 2009 13:26

which is what a border guard would say to me if I had to cross the USSR at some point, which now reminds me that i have to do something about my GRC certificate.
Yes, i know the C in GRC means certificate but if i wrote "I have to do something about my GRC" would any of you lot have any idea at what i was referring to.
except those of you who also had to get a GRC (certificate)? ;-P

Yesterday I went into work for the first time.
Only a half shift til 1pm but i still had to get up at 6am, drill for oil, clean up, sit in traffic for 20 minutes, park and wander down to MAIN THEATRES.
It hasn't changed a bit.
except certain medical staff are still wanky, self-opinionated idiots. But as that isn't going to change this century we have to take the bad with the good.

work wise, I limp.
for some reason it's easier to limp faster than it is to walk faster. why this is i'm not entirely sure but it's truth. obviously i can't wrestle patients onto gurneys and Op tables, which really annoys some medical staff.
Cos i look really tall and strong, and instead i stand there watching them struggle. Hello, idiots i've just had MAJOR Obs & Gynae/ Urological/ General surgery here? My core power has been cut and modified. I'm telling you, until this pain goes away i won't be lifting anything anywhere. even carrying a used set out to 'surgical set retrieval' tugs on my lady-parts.
and it wasn't even an orthopaedic set.

but i had to scrub on my first morning back. only a general case (i luv poo) but it was a nasty hernia problem but i managed to get away on time.
i celebrated by buying Viva La Vida.
I know,by buying Coldplay i have now proven myself to be a faceless slave to mainstream culture. But I like this new song and i thought, "Hell, don't i deserve a bit of a break?"

so now i'm off til Friday cos tomorrow I'm in class. The class i missed 2 weeks ago cos i was shockingly ill.
I don't really like this Perioperative Care Course very much, but i know it has to be done if i want to advance my career. it's just... i hate trawling journals and articles and crap like that.
I'm more of a literature 'book/library' kinda person. The problem with article finding (especially in a field such as medicine/nursing) is that the majority of the good research comes from North America and as a result they charge you pay-per-view to read the article you want. and i'm not forking over $30 to be able to read and download a PDF file. Nope.
But the homegrown UK based information is extremely patchy and limited.
I don't know how i can get around this, but i'll talk to the tutor tomorrow after class.

wishing i was smarter, work, class studies, feeling better

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