ok. i'm now officially 29.
do i have to be all "responsible" yet?
but i had a lovely birthday in the end. it was weird. i worked on the Friday evening on a late shift which was relatively quiet, got home to grab some sleep and then work up at 6.30 on my birthday and went into work armed with enough cakes to feed a small regiment.
ok, a small exaggeration but enough cakes to feed a theatre crew including recovery staff and medical personnel (surgeons, anaesthetists, etc). I had plastic containers full of Belgium buns, cinnamon whirls, doughnuts, yum-yums, éclairs, iced fingers, cinnamon pastries and an entire chocolate and carrot cake from tescos.
people went "OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo" on my entrance.
I also got lovely cards from Katie, Karen and Claire. And Claire's is especially nice as it is a pic of a girl on a rooftop in NYC which was taken in the 60's. It looks spookily like me too.
I also got tons of texts from friends in London, Brighton and Wales, and cards from these people too.
Thankyou all ever so much for these it really does mean a lot to me (and I assume others too) when you get a text wishing Happy Birthday. I know we may not see each other as often as we all would like but just to know that you (the big YOU) aren't forgotten means so much.
In work i also had to get the order together for the breakfasts. the only perk of working weekends is that the theatre crew can wander up to the canteen and get cooked breakfasts without fear of being caught outside wearing scrubs (which is strictly verboten in our hospital, by nurses anyway). I usually wander up as I like the walk in the mornings, and I walked back dripping tomato juice all over the place.
one change of scrubs later i'm enjoying 2 slices of toast and a cup 'o coffee while everyone else digs into their fried pork sandwiches.
unfortunately i'm in General surgery for that day, and although the surgeons are nice I don't like doing laproscopic appendectomies. it's boring and they turn all the lights off and i can't see.
but apart from that i was fine.
i got home at 1pm and crashed for an hour (I always try and sleep on Saturdays. It's my rest day y'know)
then got woken up by a phone call from Miz. Ellie calling from North Wales and wishing me all the best.
then Jonah came round and gave me my present which was the DVD of the remake of Battlestar Galactica. I like this show. I've only seen the pilot so far but it has a nice feel to it. I guess I still like the Millennium Falcon/Firefly/Alien 3.
That is space age technology that doesn't work very well and it's a constant battle to acquire/steal equipment.
kinda like the NHS really.
Then me, my mom and dad and Jonah went out to eat. Now the original plan was to eat at the French restaurant I luv, but it was closed due to a gas leak.
Ok-ay, so we went to Old Orleans, which is a typical franchised US-theme food restaurant.
But it was nice, I got my meal free cos it was my birthday and with exception of my main course (which wasn't special but was free!) I had some really nice food.
they even set my dessert on fire for me.
after surviving the trip home
[i had a couple of Hurricane cocktails, and me, alcohol and moving vehicles have never had a good relationship]
we all had coffee and cake in the garden, it was a hot sticky night and we lit candles and incense and smoked and chatted and i opened my presents.
i got some nice earrings, a pair of candlesticks and half a dozen books. 1 on the war, 1 rom-com, 1 thriller, 2 on sport and 1 cookbook.
I think i read too much :-(
after that i went to bed, discovered i only had to work from 4.30-9.30 the following day and went to bed.