top left: taken the 5th, had just gotten my hair done
top right: taken the 8th, the morning after the accident
bottom: also taken on the 8th, a few hours later
chris was driving me back to his house after eating some delicious olive garden and we were almost there when we slipped on some ice and crashed into some rocks. we were going between 20-30 mph so both of our airbags went off but he was fine. mine hit me in eye so fast that i didn't have time to close it. i got a cut on my eyelid that needed 2 stitches and a deep scratch on my cornea.
i also have an eight-ball hyphema (blood clot filling the entire front of my eye). this will hopefully fix itself if i keep my head elevated and use 3 different types of eye drops 4 times a day. but if it isn't better by monday, the doctor will have to drain it out. there is also the chance i may develop glaucoma later in life. as for the rest of my body, my whole left side got a little banged up. my shin, hip and shoulder hurt but not too bad.
the morning after the accident, heather came over and cooked me a delicious breakfast. my dad stopped in to bring me baked mac and cheese and chocolate milk :) last night, kyle came to visit and brought me a really soft teddy bear and some recyclable playing cards. chris even fixed my bonneville! apparently, there was an issue with a spark plug wire but now it's back to running on all 6 cylinders. yay!
everyone has been so so nice. my friends and family are amazing and i don't know what i would do without them :) anywayyy, i'll update you guys in a few days when i know more.