Because I went walking. Because I'm crazy. Because I have to work in the morning.
Would you do meth if it was legalized?
I would not do meth because the deficit between the cost of the drug (both monetarily and consequentially) outweighs the benefits (of the high). Now, there are some drugs about which I might say "Yes, definitely," so if this question is really about whether or not I support the legalization of drugs, then I must say that in some cases, yes, I do believe legal regulation of drugs.
Are you for or against abortion?
Pro-choice, by which I mean that I support a person's right to choose what happens to a non-free living entity gestating within one's own entrails. And yes, if I became unexpectedly pregnant, I would probably have an abortion. I have my reasons. If you would choose not to do the same in a similar situation, I can totally respect that and respect that you also have your own reasons.
Would our country (United States) fall with a woman president?
Fall? No. Change? Yes.
Do you believe in the death penalty?
Absolutely not. This is something I feel very strongly about: under no circumstance is the death penalty something I will endorse. Interestingly, my opinion has nothing to do with the criminal, but rather with myself. I refuse to endorse a system which makes me the sort of person who would kill someone else. Last time I checked, I was not a criminal. I do not intend to become one by ending a human life.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Yes. I believe that given its prevalence, it would be a wiser decision to legalize and regulate it in a manner similar to the way alcohol is handled. It would, I think, be a better use of resources for all involved.
Do you believe in God?
I believe in a higher, all-pervasive power. I believe in the general goodwill of humanity. I believe in the creation of the most beautiful art, the most inspiring music, and the most thought-provoking literature. I believe in Picasso, Bach, and James Joyce. In between, I believe in the encompassing nature of mathematics and science, the promises of physics, and the opportunities afforded by the use of statistics. I believe in Newton, Einstein, and Hawking. I believe in the most careful observation of the world around you. I believe in Darwin and Shakespeare, Plato and Rand.
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Where I live, same-sex marriage is legalized. And yes, I believe it should be legalized universally. Why? Here's a secret: gay married people are just as boring as straight married people. The world will not come crashing down if two guys get married, believe me. At the heart of it, this is a civil liberties issue. I cannot justify removing a basic freedom from a minority group simply based on the fact that said group is different. Injustice.
Do you think it’s wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Do you think it's wrong that so many white Anglo-Saxon Protestants are moving to the USA? In other words, no, I do not. The United States has always been a "land of opportunity" for those without opportunity. Historically, that ideal is what has attracted the most prominent groups to the United States. For me, coming from Massachusetts, the ones closest to my heart are definitely the British (the Puritans/Pilgrims, as well as later settlers who sought, if not religious tolerance, then economic or social tolerance), the Irish (who still immigrate here in large numbers seeking opportunities impossible to find in Ireland), the Brazilians (who are coming here from even little tiny villages [like my friend Marcos!] and doing more and learning more then I am not even sure I could accomplish if I tried), and the Haitians (many of whom come here out of concern for their safety and come in very educated!). As for the Hispanic population in general, I support it. How could I not? How could this even be a question? And as for illegal immigration issues...well, that's a problem that needs, I believe, an innovative and tolerant solution. The pathway to citizenship needs to be made clear, and, perhaps more importantly for many recent immigrants, affordable.
A twelve year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
That is solely the choice of her and her family. If there is enough support around her, enough people willing to step in and help raise this baby, then yes. She should totally keep it. If not, then I would recommend she give up the baby, however, that is, naturally, a very personal decision.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
My feeling on the matter is a definite yes, and not just because drinking is a cultural or fun activity for me, but because I firmly believe that earlier acquaintance with and knowledge of alcohol would prevent a huge number of ignorance related alcohol deaths. That is, you would learn much earlier in life when you should stop drinking, you would be able to form judgments based on experiences, rather than being thrown into the middle of a drinking culture when the opportunities for safe learning (i.e. earlier in life, probably alongside parents or other responsible elders) have passed. I could go on about this forever, but I will spare you.
Assisted suicide is you agree?
No. The choice to end's one life is a right granted by nature, or perhaps even a higher power. If it is within my reasoning ability to recognize that my time has come, then let it come, and help to hasten it.
Do you believe in spanking your children?
In general, I disagree with the idea that all corporeal punishment is bad. Sense-memory is the strongest, and I believe that when practiced safely and responsibly (i.e. not abusively), then yes, corporeal punishment should be allowed. Now...would I do it? That I do not know.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Probably. There's something exhilarating in destroying a symbol for money, don't you think?
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, do you agree?
Yes. Because insanity is a very real thing, and the insanity that results from postpartum depression can become particularly acute. Dissociation from reality is very real. Psychosis is very real. And they are not that far from the borderline between sanity and insanity--certainly not as far as many people seem to think.
Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Not afraid, no. Interested.