2009 is the International Year of Astronomy. One of the many things being done to celebrate, and to encourage more interest in Astronomy, is the creation of the Galileo Scope. Inspired by the "One Laptop Per Child" program, it's a small inexpensive but high quality telescope. $15 for a telescope yo! You can also donate one for only $12.50, and they'll go to various educational institutions around the world.
Galileoscope.org This NOT a hoax. Many of my favorite science podcasts (NPR Science Friday, Skepticality, Astronomy Cast, BBC Naked Scientists) have talked about this. These are set to ship in April.
I'm so excited to get mine, I can hardly stand it. Now I just need to hit the library for a good book and learn how to find stuff in the sky.
Note: After shipping and tax (for those of us in WI) the total cost is $25.27. Since their located in WI we have to pay a bit of tax. The donations are really only $12.50.