I'll get to Europe in a moment - first the most recent events...
I tend to do some really strange things when I'm bored. When I was in grade school, all the way through high school - I used to write the last names of all the boys that I liked... wondering which one would look best with my first name. I soon discovered that my first name doesn't go with anyones last name, and that is how it should remain. So now I just keep writing my own name on a yellow post-it note. Stephanie McGinnis, Stephanie McGinnis, Stephanie McGinnis. It's fascinating.
A lot of my past relationships have been creeping back into my life. This is very strange for me, since I work so hard to leave most things in my past behind. First it was a boy I knew in High school - we had some strange relationship - and just recently it was a guy I had a connection with for one night when I was 15ish, and he just found me on Myspace.
I finally got the flowers I've been hoping for... They're lovely, but they're not enough.
I've been coaching my sister on her career & life crisis, even though I have no room to tell her what to do, since I'm having the same crisis.
I'm going to DC next weekend - Friday - Monday. It'll be nice to let loose a little.
And now, Europe:
First, we went to some buttfuck town in Germany called Essen. Of course, it was for a friend - so I bit the bullet, but the quality of time spent was NOT satisfactory. My mom kept telling me that I shouldn't cancel my Euro-trip because it's probably exactly what A_ and I need, to "reconnect"... Whelp, it didn't happen in Germany - but then again, when you hear that language, and you're surrounded by rude people, sausage, and florescent lighting - you don't really want to connect with anyone anyway. Right? They certainly are efficient - but who the FUCK wants to be efficient in life? That's so unreasonable.
Next was Prague... A place I've wanted to go for a long time.... Driving into the city was overwhelming... I could barely speak. Everything was right out of a Disney movie. We stayed in a really lovely two level apartment - Czech people really have wonderful kitchens!
There was a ridiculous amount of walking during this Prague visit - at least 3 miles every day - back and forth from Charles Bridge, New Town, Old Town, shopping etc.
Here's a photo of me walking 287 steps on a spiral staircase - This is the route you take for the tower in the Castle... I think this would be the 40th step, and I was ready to pass out.
& after Prague, was London. NOT my favorite place, since it's just a slightly altered mixture of Halsted & Belmont in Chicago, Haight St. in San Francisco - and too many American aspects. The clothing was cool - none of which I could afford.
Torture Garden was first, and probably the best out of the two parties. Unfortunately my shoes were ruining my feet, so we had to leave early.
Rubber Ball was generic. With a theme of "retro" I should have assumed as much. I would also like to point out that the smell of rubber and body odor is not an appealing sense. I DO love the scent that rubber gives off, but I guess I find it to be a more intimate thing, and I prefer the person wearing rubber to have showered before putting it on. Guess I'm a snob.
My costume was pathetic... and I regret every moment of it.
Sunday I tried to be a good sport through-out the day. Acting uppity, even though I've only wanted to go home since the beginning of it.
Overall- I'm glad I had the experience, but it's not something I'll be talking about for years to come.
And clearly, that's the sort of experience I'm in need of right now - the sort that changes me, that sort that I'll remember forever and look back upon while smiling.