So, I've been preoccupied the last 48 hours. A good friend blew into town, somewhat unexpectedly - and it's been all drunken whoring, bad movie watching, witty remarks and lots of digital documentation.
Here is my proof :
This is what I look like - all the time. Really.
And, this is what I look like during special moments. No, I didn't get the two top photos confused.
This is my very dear friend, M. He's having a political moment. Obviously engaged in some sort of imaginary debate.
And THIS is what the evening looked like in absinthe tainted eyes.
I was so, so naughty. Smoking cigarettes, sharing secrets (that I never want to bring up again). But it felt good to be a little bad.
But now I'm PMSing, so I think I'll have to take a day to myself.
Hopefully today I'll be getting my learners permit (Yeah, I never got a drivers liscense, and I have no idea why I'm bothering now - but I think it might be fun)
And I'll be getting the paper work for my name change. I'm changing my last name to my mother's maiden name. There is no reason to keep a name I'm not connected to. Yes?
This weekend is full for me. Helping people move, getting the slab for the new island counter top that we're going oh so artsy on. Must go to the gym. Must go to the gym. Maybe even hang a few photos.
okay. I've shared enough.