Fandoms Stargate Atlantis, How I Met Your Mother, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, EUReKA, Roswell, Heroes, Prison Break, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Ghost Hunters, Chuck, Bones, Any/all CSI's and Law and Order's, House, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, American's Next Top Model, What Not To Wear, Extreme Makeover:Home Edition, Ugly Betty, Alias....I'm going to stop while I'm ahead. Though who knows, my OCD may kick in and force me to come back and finish it later.
Fandoms You’re Involved In: Mostly Heroes and various other random ones. Favorite Ships: Oh golly. Heroes Peter/Sylar, Mohinder/Matt, Claire/Zach, Mohinder/Sylar, Monica/Mohinder, Mohinder/Monica/Matt, Hiro/Ando, Hiro/Charlie, Hiro/Kensei Buffy Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Tara/Willow, Willow/Spike, Xander/Anya Stargate Atlantis Sheppard/McKay sometimes, Sheppard/Ronon, Ronon/Teyla How Do You Particpate In Fandom?: Icons, just started in fanfic sense, and I roleplay. Yes, I'm a nerd.
Your Journal
Besides Fandom Things, What Else Is In Your Journal?: graphics, random picspams on occasion, fangirl rants, sometimes RL rants, all around randomness. Is Your Journal Open or Friends Only?: It varies. I tend to f-lock everything out of habit. Any Rules Does Your Journal Have?: Keep LJ drama to a minimum. I like slash, I get if you don't. But no bashing it and telling me I'm a weirdo eh? Anything Else?: I'm always looking for new friends, so yatta!
Name: Pyro
Age: 20
Location: Southern Arizona
Fandoms Stargate Atlantis, How I Met Your Mother, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, EUReKA, Roswell, Heroes, Prison Break, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Ghost Hunters, Chuck, Bones, Any/all CSI's and Law and Order's, House, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, American's Next Top Model, What Not To Wear, Extreme Makeover:Home Edition, Ugly Betty, Alias....I'm going to stop while I'm ahead. Though who knows, my OCD may kick in and force me to come back and finish it later.
Fandoms You’re Involved In: Mostly Heroes and various other random ones.
Favorite Ships: Oh golly.
Peter/Sylar, Mohinder/Matt, Claire/Zach, Mohinder/Sylar, Monica/Mohinder, Mohinder/Monica/Matt, Hiro/Ando, Hiro/Charlie, Hiro/Kensei
Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Tara/Willow, Willow/Spike, Xander/Anya
Stargate Atlantis
Sheppard/McKay sometimes, Sheppard/Ronon, Ronon/Teyla
How Do You Particpate In Fandom?: Icons, just started in fanfic sense, and I roleplay. Yes, I'm a nerd.
Your Journal
Besides Fandom Things, What Else Is In Your Journal?: graphics, random picspams on occasion, fangirl rants, sometimes RL rants, all around randomness.
Is Your Journal Open or Friends Only?: It varies. I tend to f-lock everything out of habit.
Any Rules Does Your Journal Have?: Keep LJ drama to a minimum. I like slash, I get if you don't. But no bashing it and telling me I'm a weirdo eh?
Anything Else?: I'm always looking for new friends, so yatta!
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