I always seem to miss all the friending memes and by the time I find out about them, they're several pages long. *pouts* So I've decided to make one for Heroes in hopes of making new fandom friends and helping others make friends. ^^
The QuestionsName/Nickname
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The Questions
Name/Nickname: Rae/Tith
Location: Northern Australia (but I'm a downloader so I'm up with the US)
Friending Policy for your LJ: I'm friends only because I picked up a troll, but I'm open for new friends so long as you are over 18 and share some interests.
What's on your LJ: Fandom stuff, rl dramas and the occasional meme and icons
Favorite Characters and Ships: Hiro, Claire, Zach, Micha, DL, Peter and Isaac Claire/Zach, Hiro/Sword
Less Favorite Characters and Ships: Matt (which I really hate because I love Greg Gunberg) Simone, Mohinder. Peter/Nathan, Peter/Claire, Simone/Life. I'm not against incest (been in the Supernatural fandom too long) and I have plenty of friends that love it. But it's not for me.
Are you on the list?: Sure am ;D i wish!
Other Fandoms: Supernatural, LOST, Stargate: Atlantis, Harry Potter, Dexter, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, Jericho, NCIS
What fandom do you think needs a friending meme of its own: Of my fandoms? Probably Gilmore Girls needs it the most, also NCIS and Jericho
P.S.: I love your icon. Heehee.
Friended back
I do think he didn't deal to well when April came on the scene, but I have a deep abiding hatred for Christopher. I think he is an overgrown, petulant, spoilt little boy.
A L/L wedding will happen, I know hope
The producers have all but guaranteed a L/L wedding, so I think you're safe. : )
The only thing that has frustrated me this season, and in seasons past, is that they go to such an effort to show how well Chris understands and fits with Loralei. Then 3 episodes later they're forced to write him as a complete idiot to justify why it won't work...
But I agree, Luke is the the best, despite the whole April thing. He's such an adorable cynic...
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