Let's see. I satisfied my beach craving and went night swimming. I half enjoy being homdane and doing nothing. I don't feel like smoking or drinking and when I do drink I get awful headaches and complicate relationships with people further. I feel like I need space from people but then I get lonely. Am I missing something? I found out how fucked up Hollister is and even though it doesn't really affect me, it's still messed up. Brandi isn't coming to NYU anymore. I'm not mad but I got my hopes up and now I'm nervous about who my roommate will be. The closer I get, the more I become nervous that I just won't connect with anyone like I do here. I'm not good at making close friends. My only close friends were introduced by other close friends that I've grown up with since forever ago. Even though Derek and I are on good terms now after our fight, I wonder what will happen to us with college and everything. Before he left we met at the beach late at night, ran out in low tide and danced in the parking lot and it felt like summer. I miss simply enjoying the company of friends.
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