whats good mi gente?
anyway welcome to my ujournal. as u can see
i have decided to make it friends only.
reason being is that it mainly consists of my own
rhymes ` flows & poems. what i write in
here is deep, real, n in some cases, breath taking.
i dont feel as tho everyone should be able
to read what i have to say. sooo if u'd like for me
to add u to my friends list, just drop a
comment n i'll be happy to do so. however, u
must add me first in order to be added.
also i most likely wont add u unless u comment
becuz i refuse to sit there n go thru my
list seeing who i have on n who i don't, its rather
time consuming. if there's something u
have written urself n would like posted please
feel free to send me it. i would be happy
to share n acknowledge anybodies writings.
aight then .. be safe n take care. -uNo-
for a look at my real site .. click the link ~~>
my life . my battleSz