Apr 27, 2004 21:52
Name: Devonair-G. G. Taylor
Birthplace: yokohoma japan
Current Location: Apopka
Eye Color: really dark brown
Hair Color: black
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Innie or Outtie: innie
Your heritage: dk somewhere from africa
The shoes you wore today: Reebok iversons
Your hair: Normal
Your weakness?: dont like rejection
Your fears: dont really have a huge fear
Name 1 thing you'd like to achieve: Complete happiness
What Is…
Your most overused phrase: fuck you
Your thoughts first waking up: shit i have to get up
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: whole face
Your best physical feature: dont know people always say the dimples but idk
Your bedtime: 12 o'clock sharp
Your greatest accomplishment: don't know
Your most missed memory: when people werent such assholes
You Prefer..
Pepsi or coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: tea is tea
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Boxers or briefs: boxers
Do you..
Smoke: no
Cuss: frequently (should really stop)
Sing well: I try and can biatch's
Take a shower everyday: yes
Want to go to college: yes
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: sometimes
Believe in yourself: I most of the time
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're a health freak: no
Like thunderstorms: Yeah they kick ass
In The Past Month Have You..
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked: yes
Done a drug: no
Had Sex: no
Made Out: no
Gone on a date: no
Gone to the mall?: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: yes not in one sit down
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: yes
Gone skating: yes i hurt my ass
Made homemade cookies: yes
Been in love: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen anything: yes
The Future
Age you hope to be married: at least by 30
Describe your Dream Wedding: She can decide, I don't care
How do you want to die: Happy and in my sleep
Where you want to go to college: FSU
What do you want to be when you grow up: no clue
What country would you most like to visit: japan i like that culture
Number of..
Number of people I could trust with my life: i would say 6 people excluding family
Number of CDs that I own: a shit load
Number of piercings: none
Number of tattoos: none
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: not that i know of
Number of scars on my body: no clue theres alot
Number of things in my past that I regret: too many things
Number of people I’ve slept with: ima man hoe.... none