Owwwww, tooth, ooowwwww!

Aug 02, 2007 14:54

So, for about a week, my mouth has been kinda hurting. It wasn't so bad at first, but it got worse, to the point that yesterday I stopped eating solid food. My upper lip was swollen, too, so I went to the doctor yesterday and the dentist today to figure out what was going on. The doctor was not really sure, but prescribed some antibiotics, thinking maybe an infection was the cause of the swelling. The dentist, well, he knew what was going on and, after a bit of searching, why.

Back in 1993, when I was in 2nd grade, I hurt myself on the playground. Specifically, I fell, chipping a tooth, and that chip went through my lip. They filled in the chip, gave me stitches, and thought it was all taken care of. Apparently not. When I fell, the root of my tooth hit something, probably a blood vessel, partially severing it. The tooth, denied its sustenance, slowly died. And about a week ago, I bumped it somehow and it got infected. They drilled a hole today to drain some of the infection, and then next week I get a root canal. ARGH! There should be a statute of limitations on injuries; 1993 is way too long ago to be causing trouble now.
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