So I was just remembering by the vast ether of You Tube today how much I used to love Pulp. I say used to, because I kind of dropped off at "This is Hardcore". Still, "Babies", "Lipgloss", "Do you remember the first time"..takes me back and all. REM, bloody hell.
Sometimes the music you *used* to listen to is a big bench mark as far as current problems are concerned because hearing those old anthems reminds you that you got through it then and you'll get through it now etc.
So while I listen to the His N Hers album on repeat I thought I'd show people these new Dicky Ticker avatars. Pretty good, huh?
Beatles : Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon.
Love this one.
The full set of
music t-shirts avatars can be found by clicking that bit of blue there. Images are free to use as long as they get a credit somewhere along the way. If in doubt, ask em, they're very nice people.
* I didn't make these! Go to for the full story ladies and gents.