better than pretty good

May 18, 2009 09:22

I had a great weekend. There was nothing particularly special about it, except that we finally got some much needed sunshine -- no parties or shopping sprees or reunions with old friends. Just the normal weekend stuff, errands and cleaning and goofing off with the dogs in the park, but somehow I was able to really appreciate it this week.

There are many wedding details left to deal with, but they seem to be falling into place one by one. We secured our officiant: Rev. Dr. Delores Johnson, who is not only a minister at the VA hospital, but also runs a non profit called Women Empowered, which helps displaced and homeless women find housing for themselves and their children. She read the ceremony that we put together and teared-up briefly until ST said something to her that cracked her up. I think we as a couple match her as a minister very well so, I'm pleased.

The last things I really have to do are get the dogs groomed (yes, they will be at our wedding); get a dog-walker to look after them during the service and take them to the kenel afterward; purchase some new makeup as I wear it so rarely that what little I have is embarassingly (and if I listen to my much savvier friends, dangerously) old; and purchase the broom ST and I will jump over (well, really walk over) after we say our vows.

Then there's the whole issue of the flowers, but I'm leaving that for my girls in town to handle. (And if you happen to be one of my out of town girls, we'll be putting the bouquets together the night before. Never fear, there will be cocktails and sweet snacks involved.)

I'm actually starting to get excited.

Now that I think of it, all of this good feeling may have been sparked, in part, by the fact that we got our marriage license this weekend. It was the first act of our otherwise normal, pleasant weekend. First thing Saturday moring we went down to the city court house and awkwardly answered the clerk's questions (it is impossible not to answer these questions awkwardly as there is something profoundly giggle-inducing about the experience) amid the other couples arrayed around the room.

Afterward, we went out for brunch at Sweet Maple, our favorite Southern-style breakfast joint in the UIC village neghborhood -- a strangely quaint mini college town in the middle of Chicago.

The whole morning was nice. And then the rest of the day, despite the regular running around to the grocery store etc. and the extra bridal running around.

It also might have been the few hours of work I put in at a new community garden on Saturday afternoon (even though I gave myself a blister on the inside of my right thumb. Ooch!) . I just think community gardens are the best thing since sliced bread. They're useful and fun and educational and social all at the same time, but with no pressure to make small talk. You can come alone and stay for an hour or bring your whole family and stay for the day, alternately digging holes in the dirt and eating homemade brownies while chatting by the snack table. It just makes a body feel wholesome and connected to other people in a really basic, low-key way.

I rode my bike a bit in the early evenings both days, delighting in all the fine weather and the cheerful people in the parks.

I just felt good and calm and happy all weekend.

And I still do this morning, eating my whole wheat bagle with butter and honey, just about ready to start work.

wedding, weekender

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