i was like...and then she was like...and then we were all...

Dec 17, 2007 08:41

so, i know lots and lots of lawyers and lawyers in training, but only one doctor, my friend, "the czarina", KH. she was my roommate for most of college and we were one of those pairs that were thrown together randomly but ended up inseparable. before i met ST, she was the most outrageous person i knew. occasionally, when she gets a minute, i am treated to a brief glimpse of what it means to be a third year med student (scutmonkey) working in a southern, yet urban hospital. i found her latest so funny and weirdly profound that i had to share:i'm depressed and attempting to study for my medicine final exam which i have had no time to study for since i spend most of my time being a scutmonkey in the hospital. a short day is like 10hrs. damn i miss those days of the 8hr workday. as we've discussed on previous occasions - no one prepares you for the ridiculous quagmire of bitchwork and confusion that is graduate/professional school.

but sometimes things happen that seem to make it worth it. for instance i had this buck-ass country patient (and i'm talking NASCAR) who was hospitalized for substance abuse problems and who also happened to be heavily tattooed. it actually said "Fuck You!" across his fingers. when he was getting ready to be discharged, he took hold of my hand and said, "thank you for all your help, you are such a sweet woman." and as i look down, all i see is the word "FUCK" across his fingers, covering mine. it was so ridiculous, but perfectly summed up so many of my emotions.
i have to say, i think that's positively literary. i hope she works it up into a whole piece. KH is one of the best comic writers i have ever encountered. in college, she used to write little larry david style - 'this was my day' - type vignettes and email them to me to amuse me during the three-days-straight stints of production on my magazine. she's an amazing painter too, if you can believe it. so multi-talented. i can't help but be a little prideful about my friends. i think if i had to be stranded on a desert island with all the people who know me best it wouldn't be so bad. i think we'd have all the essentials covered -- i know people who build things, make things, fix things, heal people, sing and dance and draw and compose, chefs, makeshifters, amateur brewers, the list goes on. of course we would have a lot of extra lawyers, but there's always a remainder, right?

kh, daily grind

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