
Jul 30, 2007 14:08

A's coming to town this afternoon. i don't have a plan for his stay other than that pre-fix dinner at marche, but i am sure it won't be difficult to while away the hours. because i'm a huge tub of sloth i haven't really done any dissertation work since i turned in my chapter last wedensday. i've been busy, mind you, doing facilitator's trainings, developing handbooks and worksheets, etc. and other work related things, but nada on the diss. i expect that to change tomorrow, when the prospect of company coming has passed and it becomes easier to snap out of my break-time frame of mind.

while i'm waiting for A to arrive though, i think i'll just read potter. it's quite good.

there are other ruminations to report, but i'm too full of anticipation and tasks to dwell articulately just now. later though. catch you then.

daily grind

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