the name of the game is *clean*

Feb 25, 2007 07:53

so, my parents are coming to town on wednesday and in preparation i am cleaning absolutely everything. it won't help much with the clutter (there's a lot of stuff that simply has no place to go) or the unfinished floor molding or the completely gutted upper level, but you know, one does what one can. the problem will be keeping it clean until wednesday.

like i said ST is an unholy mess maker. i'm really beginning to think he's possessed by some kind of minor chaos demon because he can conjure stacks of keys, stray bits of paper, clusters of coins, pens, pencils, hall passes, screwdrivers and dirty old facemasks, from thin air. it's astonishing. then, of course, he just leaves them where they materialize. the worst part is, it's completely unconscious--i remind him about tidiness and he's completely contrite, not having noticed the giant pile of discarded clothing strewn between the floor and bedroom chair or the newsmagazine(s) abandoned on the bathroom floor. it is maddening. my biggest complaint, frankly. you wouldn't think something like this would drive me crazy in light of everything else i find truly lovely and amazing, but by god it does.

in any case, i suppose it's still worth fighting the good fight. so i'll be washing and folding and scrubbing away today, keeping a leery eye on ST as he finishes the bathroom walls--up until now it's been a brand new tub :) bare drywall :( situation.

eh well, i suppose baby steps are better than no steps at all. here's to toddling along.

housework, weekender, st

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