(no subject)

Aug 07, 2006 06:31

The Gary Numan concert was fantastic. Opening band was eh...and totally didn't mesh with Numan's sound but lord when that man came out on stage, fuck NIN, this show had teeth! Now, I'm not attracted to Gary Numan physically in any sense of the word but his music makes me crumble inside. He was literally all over the place on that stage! I think at one point I told someone that he really didn't ever need drugs because the man was a one man circus completely sober!

I was familiar with every song though I didn't know the words to all the songs but the atomsphere alone had me humming as if I did! While others around me were going absolutely mental, I kept my cool and dissolved into the music. It was strange to stand so still in the midst of a writhing audience.

I think I disturbed Newman's wife, who stood not even a foot away from me the entire concert. She either admired my outfit or thought I was insane for wearing my full length black velvet coat and formal suit (again reference the main character from The Book of Lost Souls). Though admittedly, walking around Boston earlier, people were staring and I'd like to think with my own little bit of egocentricism (if that's even a word)....that they thought I was someone important AND crazy.

Though standing up in the same place for two hours and then for another hour and a half outside was excruciating. I was never so happy to sit in a car again after it was all done and over with. But this is the best part....

So I was standing in line beside the tour bus. I didn't care. I was a fan and I was going to sort of act like a fan on this one. When my turn came, I shook his hand and called him Mr. Newman. I told him how much I enjoyed his show and cursed that I forgot the Dawn CD at home because it would have been great for him to sign it. Then I told him that I was a writer and artist working on my own graphic novel. I explained a very sketchy synopsis and then asked him who I'd have to talk to, to get permission to use some of his lyrics just on my pages maybe inbetween chapters. He looked at me deadly serious and he said, "anything after 1980, you talk to ME and ONLY me." So I sort of said, "Mr. Newman, then may I have your permission to use some of your lyrics for my book?" To which he replied, "Well that depends on which album or albums you want to use." I said, "Well I really like Exile and songs like Dead Haven and Absolution." I had barely finished when he said, "Okay! You can use them!"

I then grinned like an idiot and even as I was asking if I could hug him, I was *face palm*! Then I said thank you and asked him to sign my cd....then I started to walk away. He turned and said good luck with my book and I turned and said I'd show him my work when it was done!

Interestingly enough, while in the midst of the show, I actually worked out a few story things for Heaven for Hell which work better, aka Seven sins and seven continents. A story for every place though Antarctica is going to be a bitch!

Oh and after meeting Gary Numan, immediately poor Seth get's his car ticketed because apparently the street sweeper comes round and if there are any cars parked there, the meter maids follow behind with tickets and a tow truck. Of course, we didn't see the sign until way after the ticket was given.

Yeah so.....the rest of the night went to shit after that but all in all, the concert was good.

I really don't care to go into anything else.

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