The Fantastic Foursome...

Jul 08, 2005 21:33

Does anybody read this thing? Whatever. Anyhow...

I just returned from watching the new Fantastic Four© movie. Wow, that was pretty dull. I feel that it is worth seeing, but maybe only worth seeing at the cheap cinemas, or at home. If you feel that you must see it now, try a matinee. It is likely that there are some spoilers in this wash list, so if you think you will ruin the movie by reading ahead, please don't. In no particular order, here are my biggest issues with this movie:


The fact that the Invisible Girl© was so flipant about undressing in public in order to become completely invisible. Also, if her power is to bend light, why can't she bend the light around her clothing? Of course, that is a problem with the power, and not the movie. Lots of large scale damage by the "heroes", nobody complains. The Invisible Girl© doesn't have immunity to electricity, so when she is electrocuted by Dr. Doom©, it doesn't make much sense that she is just fine. When The Thing© becomes regular Ben Grimm©, it seems that he maintains his superhuman ability to deflect damage, since he is backhanded by Dr. Doom© across the lab and into some shelves, and isn't even bruised. The movie is 75% explaination of what the Fantastic Four© are, and why we should care, but if we didn't already have an idea, or care, why would we have watched it. To me, it felt like I was watching "Fantastic Four©: The Documentary". The plot of the movie didn't really take shape until the last 20 minutes, and was hardly cohesive then. Dr. Doom© must have gone crazy from the radiation in addition to gaining superhuman powers, since he doesn't really ever come up with a reason why he is indiscriminantly killing people. His business is ruined (due to the Fantastic Four© becoming heroes at his hands?), his reputation is trashed (same reason?), and he has a slight scar on his temple (when? what? how???). Seems like adequate reason to destroy everyone to me. Maybe it was related to the fact that in the final scene of the battle between Dr. Doom© and the Fantastic Four©, it is proven that Victor Von Doom (what a last name), seems to have lost his genitals along the way. I know that they couldn't show that type of thing in a PG-13 movie, and honestly I'm not sure that I'd want to see it anyhow, but please just make it so that you don't have to show that region.Whatever, maybe I'm missing something that was explained in the original comics, but since I never read them, and the only things that I know about the Fantastic Four© are what I've heard over the years in other people's conversations, I honestly don't know.

Things that the movie did right in my opinion:

Near the end of the movie (last 5 minutes), it seem that the character balance finally established itself. Reed Richards© was the commanding leader, knowing what needed to be done. Susan Storm© was a useful asset capable of independent thought, and self-motivation. Johnny Storm© was the mixture of cocky and effective that gets a job done. Ben Grimm© was...well, trod on pretty badly.

Good homage to Mallrats© with the question about Mr. Fantastic being able to stretch any part of his anatomy.
Good movie rendition of The Thing©, that seems pretty hard to do, what with the Hulk© looking like a muscular creation of Dr. Frankenstein.
Dr. Doom© was pretty cool, even if he didn't have any real explanation to his motives.

All the same, not that great, not that horrible. I guess that I hope there is a sequel, and that it has a better, longer, more in-depth plot.

See you next time
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