Jan 15, 2005 23:43
Friday was super fun. Laura, Gordo and eventually Jess came over and we watched Firefly til our eyes bled. I'm definitely talking to Kernwein about starting a cult...I mean club for it. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile and I definitely needed to dance to the Reever music.
Today I went to my little sister's first soccer game. They tied. Go Lady Mats! Then we went to Sonic for a snack. We totally went all over town in our search for sports clothing. I finally got Eric quality leggings and lacrosse gloves that rock my socks. Or my fingers really. Then we watched "Indiana Jones and the ______"
Tonight was..interesting. I was just gonna hang out with my sis. We usually do that on Saturday nights because our parents go on a date. Jess came over and we watched "She Gets What She Wants" aka the worst movie I've ever seen. She wanted me to come with her and Alex to see Derbin, but my parents decided to pull the Sixth Street card. Ix-nay on that idea. Kristin called and was having a spontaneous birthday party so we went. It was....lonely. Kristin was really nice, but I kinda just got left in a corner. That seems to happen frequently. I think I'm too shy around new people. I really don't know what to say and I don't want people to have a negative first impression. I don't know, it just sucked. Really upsetting. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.