(no subject)

Oct 21, 2006 02:43

Well, as much as I enjoyed doing a day by day Feast recap last year, I don't think I'll do that this time around for the sake of all of you who read my journal. However, I will post a couple of points. (though the journal entry will probably be long anyway.)

Changes: Despite the fact that this was my 20th year at Jekyll, there were a few changes I as in for this Feast. For one, I was not staying with my family (though they were also at Jekyll) but rooming with four (and for a few days five) other guys. Another change was that I was going to be without my sidekick. Kevin went to Kerriville this year, so this was also the year we put Operation Rosepedal to rest; which I think disappointed some members of our local congregation who liked to give me a hard time about it. It's not like we've been to every Feast together, but we've been to enough, a few people asked me if I would be okay without him. (Though Jekyll wasn't the same without the Blackstons, I still had a great Feast.)

Something else that was different for me was the fact that I was out and about more than I had been at any other Feast in the past. This was largely due to my housing.

Bible Study:Another change was that this year, instead of going to the "official" young adults Bible study (which I later learned they combined with the teens this year), I went to the Bible study conducted by Mr. Thompson. The subject seemed more interesting to me. That, combined the fact that the teen and young adult Bible studies of the past few years have rather poorly presented powerpoint presentations, led to my decision. I'm glad I went to the congregational Bible study. It was on the Messiah, and the Millenium in Isaiah. There was one extremely funny moment during the Bible study that I have to comment on. At one point (and I forget why he said this) Mr. Thompson said something to the effect of "have you ever known a man, who's a real jerk, and thinks he's a lady's man?" What was funny about this was that everyone who sat on the same row as Jesse, turned to look at him. I also turned to look at him (though I really did try not to). Poor Jesse. He just kept looking straight ahead, with this look on his face that said, "stop looking at me." Jesse isn't a jerk, but he does have a reputation as being something of a lady's man.

Housing:  We had a tremendous physical blessing when we arrived. We were supposed to stay in a two bedroom duplex, with only enough beds for three or four people, and one bathroom. I was concerned that we would be at each other's throats by the end of the Feast. However, Jesse's mom didn't care for the house that she and Mr. Dreaden had rented, so we were able to swap. As a result, we had enough beds, and enough room for everyone.

Because we were five single guys, in one house, we were labeled the House of Terrors. Since the ones who issued this label didn't know me, I was the Master Terror. Jesse was the Female Terror. Jeff: the Auto Terror; Josh: the Bible Terror, and Kyle got the short end of the stick on the nicknames. He was the Wishful Terror. See the photo page for more on the House of Terrors.

The messages: As I mentioned in an earlier post, the messages were outstanding, which is what one expects at the Feast. I'm not going to give a summary of each one, but the one given my Mr. Kirkpatrick on the Last Great Day, seemed to be made just for me, It was meant to remind us that throughout the year, God continues to be with us (at least that's what I took from it) I needed to hear that sermon because there are times during the year (mainly when I'm on the job) when I feel so alone, it's quite depressing. But God doesn't leave me (in fact, as the poem "Footprints" points out, that is probably when he's carrying me.), and He is more powerful than anyone or anything that can keep me out of His Kingdom.

The Emsemble: Personally, I think we had a great group this year. This was the first time I wasn't the only one playing trumpet. Mr. Wasilkoff, who was the music coordinator, also played with us. The ensemble was once again under the very capable leadership of Tom Riner. (the baritone player, though he can play 28 other instruments). We had several violinists, a recorder (though I've never considered them to be serious instruments), a flautist, a guitarist, and three sax players. (though only two played at any given time because Courtney didn't have roomThere were times where we had trouble staying with the song leaders. (I can't speak for the rest, but I couldn't always see the song leader, or hear the pianist. The latter was the more frustrating of the two because I generally follow the pianist, before the song leader.) Maybe I should have played softer.

The song leaders, for the record, did a great job this year. Mr. Aust and Mr. Evans did great, not just at waving their arms, but getting the congregation excited about singing praises. (at least from where I stood) We did several of my favorite hymns, including God Speaks to Us. That was cool, because when we played that one, I looked out into the crowd, and saw Matt, Andrew, Jennifer, and Ashley grinning. I was greatful for the encouragement.

Every day after services, we stuck around to play some hymns just for fun. One of the other highlights was on the third day of the Feast, when we all went out to eat together. That was the first time I ever did anything like that with the ensemble.

In conclusion: Was this the "best Feast ever?" Well, it's hard to say. It was certainly one of my better ones, but I've had so many great Feasts, it's hard to say which one was the best. (Believe me, I don't mind having that problem, if you can call it a problem.) Each one stands out in it's own way. For example, 2004 was memorable because it was the first Feast I kept after being baptized. It was also the first Feast I played hymns, and special music on trumpet. 2003 was also memorable because things happened there (and during the entire Fall Holy Day season) that helped me make the decision get baptized.

That's about all I'll write for now. Although I don't have to be up quite as early tomorrow, I still need to get some sleep. Good night.

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