lalalalala therapy

Nov 03, 2013 00:42

On October 20th I went to my first ever kpop concert. On top of seeing (gawking at, more like) those losers in my icon onstage, like, ten feet away, it was also my first meet-and-greet - a high-five and photo session that I'm pretty sure I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. But, still, I'm thinking it'll be good to write this down somewhere, just in case.

I totally dragged my kid brother along with me to this thing, but if you're in kpop (which he sort of is), you're in kpop, which means going to concerts and fan meetings even when you barely know the group. Hee! Either way, I played the boys' songs for him, showed him the numerous hilarious reality shows the boys were in, and he seemed to like them enough to be semi-excited for the concert. Kudos to me. ;)

We got there at 10:30, and the showcase was supposed to start at 1:00. There was a bunch of people there already, despite it being a fully numbered-seats concert. I grabbed my pre-booked tickets and merchandises from the organizer and then basically just waited around stewing in anxiety and excitement. I wrote a short message (since it was in English as my Korean isn't up to par yet, so the boys will get what I was saying >_>) and put it up on this message board they had at the entrance and then (this is important) picked up a fallen post-it note and stuck it back up on there as well. Then we waited around some more, walked around and bought a couple more t-shirts and grabbed a couple of the free banners the fansites were distributing.

So the boys have this ongoing journal-like show on their official youtube channel called VIXX TV and they were recording the fans chanting and cheering and stuff before the doors opened. The camera was heading to us so me and my brother bolted. :P Then we went in, and I discovered that I was seated pretty close to the stage. At this point, though, I was busy thinking about how I was going to give them my gift (word on tumblr was, that they'd provide a huge container where we'll get to drop our gifts to the boys, but there wasn't any at the venue), and I was also explicitly telling my brother when and what he needed to take pictures and videos of later.

None of the above matter, though, because they totally set out to kill us from the very beginning. They opened with this semi-pornographic introduction video before strutting in wearing suits and doing the song that I'm pretty sure is the sexiest/most awesome song released in 2013 and then following it up with another sexy song before doing the greeting and introduction in cute Malay *_____*

You know how people always say you look so much better in person? It's a cliche because it's true. IDK, though. I've met a few (local) celebrities before, and they look pretty much the same on screen and in real life, but these guys? DAYUUUUUUUMMMM. I seriously didn't think it was possible, but they literally (and I do mean literally) robbed me of my breath for, like, a minute. Ravi, in particular, surpassed my imagination. UNF. Yes, he looked better than this. *__________*

Malaysia was their first leg of the showcase, and it shows in how nervous they were (poor babies seemed so apologetic about it, too >_>), but the organizing was also lacking, so the whole showcase was a bit cluttered and rushed. I had a lot of fun, still, and most of it was thanks to this lovely dude.

He led all the talk time beautifully and although he's always been cheerful and friendly onscreen, I wasn't expecting him to be exactly the same in RL. But he really was. His reaction was super adorable, too, when he started asking questions in Korean and we managed to answer before the translator could translate for us. He joked around comfortably despite the language barrier and he made me feel very much at ease (especially since my favorite guy - who's usually chatty and hilarious - was being unusually quiet and mellow).

It was revealed then that the message board at the entrance was meant for a Q&A session, and because we weren't told by the organizer (they really do messed up a lot), a lot of the messages were just things like "THANK YOU FOR COMING! PLS COME AGAIN! WE LOVE YOU!" and stuff >_>. Ken (who's my favorite, btw) got to pick a message first and lo and behold, the message he picked was the one I stuck back onto the board. AND NOT MINE. FML, really, because he read it cutely (since it's in English) and then asked the girl to stand up and THANKED HER PERSONALLY T____T. And then, later on, Leo picked a message with a request for him and Ken to sing a duet and it was from the girl sitting next to me! AUGH SO CLOSE. So Ken asked the girl to stand up, too, and said, "This song is for you", and started serenading her!!! *pulls out hair* I totally pretended he was singing to me, though, because, well. WOULDN'T YOU?

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Anyhoo. Fast forward to the high-five and photo session. We finally figured out that we were to drop our gifts with the staff right before going onstage to meet the boys. All I could think about at that point was thank god they were sitting down because if I had to look up into their eyes I might pass out from the neck pain and/or their attractiveness (although they were still incredibly tall sitting down lol). So I walked up (unsteadily because the staff was rushing me a lot and I was wearing my heeled boots), breath held, and...completely blanked out twice in the span of forty seconds. The maknae (youngest, for those of you not fluent in kpop speak) was first, and he originally has this strong gaze, and although I was ready to face him head on, I couldn't keep eye contact for more than 3 seconds askjdgdf. Also he's 18, and his hand was, like, twice my size good grief. And then there was Ken, and I said thank you (like I've practiced over and over in my mind) and he said thank you back and my brain shorted out thank you very much so I couldn't even remember anything about high-fiving N (the above pictured dude) except for the fact that his hand was extremely soft (which wasn't a surprise, since he owns, like 15 different lotions - and yes, in kpop fandom, we know all this stuff :||). And then. AND THEN. There was this jerk.

And, yes, as unbelievable as it may seem, he looks better in RL *___* but that's not what slayed me, not really. I've confirmed this with a few others who were there, and we all agreed that he was the one who really, really made sure to make eye contact with us. When you look like that and you stare into the depth of someone's soul...I can't even. I died a little. Or at least my brain did. And so I barely remembered touching the other two members hand askjdfjkghh. Although Ravi's was definitely...huge. Heh.

But seriously, though. Hongbin. Sigh. I get tingles even thinking about him looking into my eyes. I really think it's because a) he's a purebred, perfect sweetheart and b) he's a total fanboy himself ergo he understands what it feels like for us. Really, he's pretty much a prettier version of all of us. ♥_____♥

Then we were ushered (rushed, pushed, etc ugh) to stand behind the boys and had, like, 2 seconds before the flash went off. I was standing behind Leo and his shoulders were wiiiiide I was imagining resting my head on them sigh. Before I could, like, imagine further though we were rushed out and although it was so short I had to catch my breath as soon as I walked outside and I don't remember ever smiling that wide in my entire life. It was good.

Because I didn't have any breakfast or eat anything, really, up to that point, I was famished and due to the adrenaline draining from my entire body, I basically just flopped onto the car seat and chatted with my brother about what just happened as he drove us to the nearest Burger King. ♥

So I guess this is my life now. I have another concert coming in December, and I'm so very excited about that, so hopefully I'll have fun then, too.

What are you guys up to these days? :D

value in excelsis, see me as i really am

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