in the tight grip of rage;

Nov 08, 2012 23:14

Wow. I guess the whole "different perspective" thing and making use of the show's POV being Dean is working for some people, but it definitely isn't for me. Perhaps it's working in the sense that it's always helped me immerse myself in the arc, but it's getting to be too much.

I don't think I've ever been so angry at Sam before. Not even when he beat Dean to a pulp after Dean tried to stop him from going with Ruby. At least then I could blame the demon blood.

Okay, first the light stuff. I basically loved the week's storyline - the case, Garth being competent and not-even-annoying as Bobby, etc. I liked how he gave it straight to Dean about Bobby being everyone's loss. That was totally refreshing.

"THOSE AREN'T MISTAKES, SAM. THOSE ARE CHOICES." ← possibly my favorite line of the whole show for the past, like, five seasons.

...and they went ahead and had Sam pissed all over it. Awesome. His reactions to a) Dean pointing out the absolute truth, b) Garth pointing out that Dean's always protected him all their lives and c) Dean practically admitting he has abandonment issues were absolute crap. He may have "lived" even longer than even Dean (considering his longer year in Hell), but he's so much like a child that I almost want to blame Dean for coddling him all these years. This is why I will never be able to see his role switched with Dean's. He will forever be the petty, bratty little sibling.

Don't even get me started on the horrendous flashbacks which not only didn't sway me (at all) in Amelia's favor, actually made me throw up in my mouth multiple times. I get now that they're playing the whole "perspectives" thing on us, but if these flashbacks are the only thing we can see of Sam's side of things, they should realize now that they SUCK. Like, they're not even popping up at appropriate moments. Totally random and weird and just YUCK.

I don't know if next week's going to be better, but I hope it's not gonna make me as mad.

Yeah. That wasn't happy at all.

supernatural, squeesqueesquee

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