*happy sigh*
I'm sad, for sure, but that was a good run, wasn't it? I love how much of the first season reference they fit into the last episode and I most absolutely love that it came full circle in the end. The beach scene in the pilot was actually the point where I fell in love with the show and for them to come back to that was just perfection. ♥
Zach Levi was kickawesome throughout both episodes and yes, he made me bawl when he had Yvonne tied up in their dream house. I've only been into Chuck/Sarah recently, really, but man was I rooting for them this past season. Sarah is just an awesome character and at first I thought I wouldn't buy it if she ends up falling for the nerd, but because she's so consistently amazing it just...made sense. :)
One of the things I adore about Chuck is when the Buy More crew accidentally saves the day and I'm glad they made it so Jeffster had a part in the end and did I mention how I like things coming full circle? Loved that they took us back to the first mission and the porn virus. ♥♥♥
I believe the only shows I've ever watched to the series finale are Friends and Angel so I don't really know what to do now, but I'm so happy I decided to watch this show and I'm happy it ended so well. \o/