that tree hill.

Jan 12, 2012 23:59

→ Saw the sneak peek, but I didn't know that it was the first minute of the premiere. So now I think they're mean for hanging all those dread over our heads (probably) the whole season and I love them for it. Because I'm a masochist that way. :||

→ Re. Haley's discoveries of all those unlocked doors: my theories bounced from it being Dan to OMG, NATHAN'S DEAD AND IT'S HIS GHOST COMING BACK TO WATCH OVER HIS WIFE and back to meh, it's (spoilers; highlight to read) the hired killer they've been teasing us about.

→ All the lovey dovey/semi-porny scenes between Chase and Alex? BIG, FAT DNW. D:

→ Knew that Chris Keller was coming back, but man I forgot how much I've missed him. That impromptu version of Loaded Gun, in particular, was AWESOME.

→ So basically they're gonna try to wreck all three relationships that I'm rooting for: Nathan/Haley over Dan and Chris, Julian/Brooke over all the stress and Clay/Quinn over his illness and inevitable drug problems. Great. I'm not exactly complaining, though, because I watch this show partly because of all the angst. Apparently the brand they use in Supernatural isn't enough for me. :P

→ Did I mention how I sort of adore that they're kinda going backwards from (maybe?) the end of the season with us here?

→ Dan totally torched his own diner, didn't he? :<


→ I also apparently forgot just how quotable this show is. UNF.

People say Hell is endless. They say it's our worst nightmare: the face of our darkness. But whatever it is, however it is, I say Hell is empty. And all the devils are here.

tv: "squee!" is not a review, one tree hill, quotes

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