i've seen that scene before.

Nov 13, 2011 01:23

I get why people would be upset about this episode but I wasn't so much offended as I was sort of disturbed by every scene with Becky and Sam in it. D:

Also, it's been so long since I felt like bitchsmacking Sam Winchester and I was practically cackling with mad glee when his whole "I don't need you anymore" speech turned around and chomped him in the ass. I know it's not exactly his fault, but still. THAT BRAT. Gah.

Apparently when Dean isn't working a case with Sam, he dresses like a hot professor! I vote more of this sweater vest business, please.

Not much to say about this episode, strangely enough. I love that they revisited the crossroads demon and that Dean is very popular among them. Heh. Think I almost wrote a fic where after years in Hell Dean got back topside as a crossroads demon. :|

Poor temp hunter wuvs Dean so much! ♥ Who wouldn't?

That last scene kinda reminded me of the end of Asylum. :/

OMG Dean's FACE at Sam's suggestion! He doesn't know HOW not to look after you or to look after himself, you dinkus! DEEEEEEEEEEEAN. :(

p/s. as per usual, no spoilers for upcoming episode(s), please.

supernatural, squeesqueesquee

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