& so i place my hopes on you:

Mar 27, 2010 02:06

I won't be able to watch Supernatural tonight because my connection sucks serious balls. So have a couple of recs:

Fill a Space in Which Two Bodies Float by neros_violin
5600 wc. | Sam/Dean | NC-17
Magic cock saves the world.

While he’s beneath the surface, Sam has a strong flash of hero worship and admiration for his brother, who always tries so damn hard to make things okay and succeeds more than he gives himself credit for.

Do not let the summary mislead you. This isn't a wham bam thank you, ma'am PWP. It's the most gorgeous, lyrical tale of SamandDean I've read in a very, very long time. I am madly in love with Ashleigh's writing. Her boys' voices were beyond perfect and her prose left me breathless. I couldn't stop sighing dreamily with every line that she'd put down and I expect you wouldn't be able to, either. Just. SO MUCH LOVE. ♥

I won't call it a PWP but the porn was so SMOKING HOT and intimate, despite being sort of semi-public. This is what I adore about her writing - that she's able to meld every emotion on the spectrum so incredibly well. Go read this. Now.

i used to know you so well by obeetaybee
33250 wc. | Girl!Sam/Sam, Girl!Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean | NC-17
The Devil has a contingency plan.

“I know you from somewhere,” he says, breathing hard.

Her body instinctively curves into his, her face tilting up towards his, not willing to let go; not understanding why she suddenly has the urge to scratch and maim, wanting dig into him and lay claim.

Looking up into his face, she tilts her head to the side as if there’s a message there to decipher. Body humming, she says, “You have a scar, too,” her fingers reaching up to stroke the shiny, soft skin above his eyebrow. He flinches away from her touch like it burns; dropping her hands. The connection between them severs abruptly.

Written for apocabigbang, this grabbed me from the very first line and wouldn't let go. The POV changes worked really well. It's the most kickass, awesomest way of defeating Lucifer I've ever come across. I'd thought I would be a little bit put off by the extension of Dean's involvement here by the end, but this is so freaking cool that I didn't even mind. And it ends perfectly on pitch. It reads like a real episode (except without all the SMOLDERING sexy times) and I wouldn't mind if they end the show exactly this way. Not even one bit. ;)

rec this:

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