i'd do anything spontaneously;

Dec 05, 2009 03:43

Thanks so much for all the love at the fanfiction meme, you guys. I appreciate each and every one of it. :)

And just because, here's a tiny snippet of that (never ending) AU I'm never going to finish this year. *SIGH*

The kitchen is a complete disaster. There are banana peels and a half-eaten apple on the counter next to a dirty coffee mug and a half-filled glass of OJ. The pot he was using to cook the chicken noodle soup is upended in the sink, the dripping tap water clinking against the steel. Jensen is burrowed underneath Jared’s grandma’s quilt on the couch, his breathing too rapid for him to be asleep.

“Dude,” Jared yells, not caring if it’s disturbing Jensen’s well-deserved rest. Jared’s starting to think that the guy isn’t even that sick, considering the way he’d polished off the food in Jared’s kitchen. “What the hell?”

Jensen blinks and coughs into his fist, but one look at Jared’s murderous face, he’s sitting upright on the couch, looking sheepishly back. “I’m sorry. I was starving.”

“And you decided to what? Rob my kitchen?” Jared groans. “Look, I’m running late. I want you to clean the whole kitchen up. I want it to be gleaming by the time I come back.”

Jensen looks like he’s about to protest, but he resorts to widening his eyes pathetically at Jared instead. “But I’m sick.”

“I act for a living dumbass,” Jared says dryly. “And you’re a horrible actor. Stop pretending and start cleaning. Or I’ll throw you out on your ass again.”

Jensen grumbles underneath his breath about an asshole tyrant, but one glance at his watch again and Jared’s rushing out of the house, trusting Jensen to know where the cleaning supplies are.

flist is awesome people!, typetype: chunks

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