a number of things:

Nov 20, 2009 03:09

Bones was awesome. Booth was ADORABLE. Shocker, huh? ;)

Glee was okay for me. Obviously needed more Puck. :P

A couple of people from my flist (who shall not be named but know who they are) convinced me to do this. So here's my wishlist for this year.

→ I ask for this every year (*facepalm*), but: a Sam/Dean companion vid to Screaming the Secrets We've Shared set to its accompanying song (Evanescence's Good Enough)

→ From last year: a non-AU J² age regression fic. Jensen is snarky and adorably douche-y even as a kid OR Jared is surprisingly quiet, but a devilishly cunning boy. ♥

britomart_is said it's okay to ask for this: Sam/girl!Dean genderswap. Preferably pre-series. Preferably long-ish and angst-free. Ask for details. ;)

→ Anything of yours or from your workplace/hometown/city/country. Anything that you feel like sharing. And willing to mail across the globe. Meep. :|

→ Art or fanmix for my fic of your choosing. :)

tv: "squee!" is not a review, let's list things!, puck/★, glee, bones

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