thank god for askars.

Aug 19, 2009 00:26

If there's one thing I wanted that SPN haven't yet delivered, it's Dean SOBBING. Audibly. And so ASkars broke my heart. I love that I now have another outlet for writing angst and I have a feeling angsty!Godric/Eric will be my favorite thing to write soon.

All things aside, I want the show to get rid of Maryann. STAT. I don't care if we don't get spandex clad Eric at her orgy. Her storyline is just so...BLEH.

HOYT!!! ♥ He's making me wanna write an outtake from Sex & Violence with Dean/Nick. WHAT.

Hmm...what else. Oh, yeah. Thanks for spoiling me for naked!Eric, stupid-people-at-the-TB-comm. They could've at least show us some ass. GK did. ;)

Which, by the way, Sookie? I would've been willing to suck Eric ANYWHERE he wants me to.

...did I just say that out loud?

Speaking of potential!Eric/Sookie, if Alan Ball really does decide to veer away from the novels, I think it'd be more interesting. Because, really, UST and Eric being flirty and adorable and sexy and awesome, you guys. I WANT THAT.

Also, I don't know HOW Sookie can still think Bill has more heart than Eric now that he PUNCHED the dude right after his maker/lover/father/brother/son decided to off himself. UGH. And way to look insecure, BEEL. You suck. And not in the sexy way.

ETA. Ooh, I forgot! Alex mentioned that this week's his personal favorite episode. Much like Jensen, I believe it's because it shows his character's vulnerability. Or, you know, because he got to get naked. Which he loves, too. OH, ASKARS. ♥

new sexgod: alexander skarsgård, tv: "squee!" is not a review, mmm eric northman ♥, true blood

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