unrequited love; [noun]

May 03, 2009 18:12

Unrequited love is liking the adorable boy who sat next to you in class in that innocent, third grade crush way - the one where you basically liked spending time with him - and have him not come to your only birthday party ever, despite all indications that he liked spending time with you, too, called you sweet names when nobody's around.

Unrequited love is falling for the guy who's a best friend in love with your best friend, doing everything you can to make her see him, watched him fall and watched her fall, watched them walk away hand-in-hand, broke your heart when she said he's not the one (not attractive enough, still), smashed your heart to pieces when all blame went to you, when he pretended not to know you, never having anything to do with you. Ever.

Unrequited love is dreaming about a guy you've never even met and meeting him, finally, being lucky enough to have his friendship, knowing full well how he'd only ever love tall, slender girls (never you, not you), but hoping just the same, only to have him laughing at your expense, when you needed him most, when that hurt in your eyes got to him and still, he didn't know (didn't care).

see me as i really am

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