well done, subconscious. well done.

Feb 22, 2009 22:19

This could be a sign of how hectic this week has been:

Woke up after two measly hours of sleep at 5 a.m. (which is the usual time I do have to wake up at on weekdays this whole month) to realize that my mind has been conjuring up a bizarre Sam/Dean AU subconsciously.

Not only are Sam and Dean not related, they're girls. Who meet as roommates in college. Now, Sam is straight, she swears, and has this massive crush on Ruby (who's a DUDE - WTF, named Ruby?!) the first she saw him at orientation. Ruby is tall, taller than Sam, even. He's definitely taller than Dean, who's cute and petite and has the most incredibly gorgeous face with the freckles and the pouty lips and the amazing green eyes. Dean is, surprisingly, this responsible senior who mostly keeps to herself and likes to read but loves to listen to her iPod and sing along badly and for some reason to touch Sam - little touches, on the nape of her neck and the back of her hand and the small of her back. She's witty and smart and sweet and eloquent and has the most soothing voice that Sam's ever heard. And, Sam, well. She's this spunky kid who's friendly to everybody, and does crazy stuff like sits in the computer lab in her freaking underwear, oblivious to the looks he's getting from Dean and flirts shamelessly with Ruby when he drops by to "help". Dean's like a sister, you know, so it's probably a little weird that that one time she catches Dean half undressed - impressive breasts swinging as she bends down to drop her lacy panties - she can't turn her eyes away. Dean shrieks, grabs the towel she's dropped on the bed and covers herself, muttering something about thinking that Sam's out for the day for her classes. Sam blinks, replies with a muffled it's okay, it's okay, I'm leaving, and bolts out of their room. Now, here's the weird part. Sam can't stop thinking about it, picturing it in her head, Dean all gorgeous and spread out on her narrow bed, eyes brilliant orbs of green as her parted lips call out to Sam wordlessly. She can't help but recall her own reaction to seeing the other girls in the showers at school and no specific memory comes to mind. Except Dean's smooth, pale stomach and the swell of her hips and her incredible legs and the way she says Sam's name, Dean, Dean, Dean. So much so that the first time Dean kisses her, she thinks it's some sort of an apparition, until Dean coaxes her lips open with tactile tongue and they're moaning into each other's mouth and Sam can feel Dean straddling her lap, tiny and warm and solid. Real. Beautiful. Want, need, love. Dean, Dean, Dean.

...and I'm not even into femslash. *facepalm*

all roads lead to sam/dean

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