What I really, REALLY want for my birthday this year is to go see Jason Mraz. Here. 40 minutes away. My most favorite singer-songwriter ever. But no. I have clinics the next day. Friggin' clinics. Ugh. There goes the potential of this year being the best birthday EVER. D:
Had my case presentation today, which I was totally freaking out about yesterday. It went fine. Went good, actually. But I was there at the department's clinics as early as 7 a.m. (slept at 1.30 and woke up at 5.30. WTF) and the day went on until our Professional Issues class ended at 5.30 p.m. And now I'm coming down with something.
So I'm just gonna watch a couple episodes of TBBT and then SLEEP.
Speaking of which, just finished the whole of Season 1. HOMG, I want to smish Sheldon so much. That part where he was learning Chinese and Penny startled him and he squawked out in Mandarin. FREAKING CUTE. *smish*
Anyway. Boys tomorrow! Hopefully I'll be well enough to enjoy them. ¬_¬
rose_janice!!! ♥♥